Form Rio Ave
The fight is the same. Keep on winning so as not to lose contact with the first placed. In the current stretch, trust is playing with you. Rio Ave have had three wins in the last four games, taking a position behind the Europa League qualifying zone. In the last match, great victory over Tondela as a 3 × 1 visitor.
The last win gives more confidence by having managed to produce above its standard with the offensive line. Usually, Rio Ave prioritizes the game more centered, playing in the mistakes of the opponents. However, the last performance allows Rio Ave to feel more capable to be strong in the imposition, being more able to seek complicated points. At home, despite some stumbling, the numbers are still positive. Relying on the moment, believing to have more offensive strength the base of high confidence, Rio Ave plays for total points tonight.
Coach Miguel Cardoso will not be able to count on Tarantini, suspended.

Moreirense form
Competitiveness is there, but there is still little to make the Moreirense breathe. Despite having scored in four of the last five games, Moreirense is still in the dreaded relegation zone. There is confidence that the worst has passed, but Moreirense has yet to show more. The team has gone two matches without being able to win.
If Moreirense had a little more defensive endurance, his results could improve. However, in the current stretch, the team has valued the offensive game and has been able to when it can make itself present. The problem is that if it were consistent, possibly Moreirense would not be in the current position, right? Therefore, it would be good to play in a more tactical way to be more competitive, but … As a visitor, Moreirense is having difficulties in keeping with his position on the leaderboard.
Coach Sérgio Vieira will not be able to count on Hichem Belkaroui, suspended. Ernest and Rafael Costa return from bruises, but they will hardly be fit for today.

Our Tip
It’s not going to be an easy game, okay? The visiting team needs the points to leave the relegation zone and bet on the recent competitiveness to be able to surprise. However, Rio Ave, if recent competitiveness was not enough, still found offensive forces in their last game. With the confidence even higher, betting on having offensive force to make the difference, Rio Ave deserves the favoritism here in this duel.